Friday 31 December 2010

Book Challenge: Chunkster Challenge

Another challenge I'll be doing is the Chunkster Challenge.
The 2010 edition doesn't wrap up until the end of January, which is a good thing as I've fallen behind a bit.
But I still want to indicate that I'll be starting up again for 2011 from February 1st.
Given the other challenges that I'm committing too, and the need to read a LOT of Canadian as the chair of the OLA Evergreen Award, I'm going to scale down to the "Do These Books Make My Butt Look Big" level of six Chunksters (2 books which are between 450 - 550 pages in length; 2 books which are 551 - 750 pages in length; 2 books which are GREATER than 750 pages in length). Given that I subscribe to Powell's Indiespensable books, and have just received The Instructions, I know that I have one for sure in the long category just waiting to be read.

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