Sunday 2 February 2014

Somewhere in France

Finished February 2
Somewhere in France by Jennifer Robson

This first novel is a winner of a story. Privileged Lady Elizabeth (known to her friends as Lilly) has lived in luxury all her life, and despite her longing for adventure, her parents are against her taking any role in the war effort.
When she learns a useful skill behind their back and is discovered, their reaction appalls her and she makes a break, leaving to do whatever she can to help.
Eventually her efforts lead her to a position as an ambulance driver in the newly formed WAACs, a job that takes her close to the front.
Despite the horrors she is exposed to, Lilly is not dissuaded from her task, and neither are the friends she has made among the other women serving with her. At the same field hospital that she is stationed at, is a young doctor, Robert Fraser, her brother's best friend, and a man that Lilly admires for many reasons. Their different backgrounds should mean that they have no future together, but do their feelings for each other make a difference in this chaotic time.
With the realities of the war, this book brings history to life and had me glued to the story. With the popularity of shows like Downton Abbey at present, I should think this book a popular choice for many readers.


  1. I grabbed a copy of this because of all the positive reviews. I am looking forward to it!

  2. I was glued to this one, too, and loved it.

  3. I really enjoyed this one too.

  4. Glad to see others liked it as much as I did.
    Great promise for a first novel.
