Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Bungalow

Finished May 3
The Bungalow by Sarah Jio

This novel's speaker is Anne Calloway, an older woman whom circumstances cause to look back on her youth when she was a nurse stationed on Bora-Bora during World War II. The major part of the story occurs in 1942 and 1943 on Bora-Bora. Anne is engaged, but unsure of her feelings toward her fiance and finds herself drawn to a soldier named Westry. The two develop a secret friendship and meet in a small hidden building, the bungalow of the title. But things are happening to Anne's best friend Kitty that cause Anne to feel more distance between the two, and unsure of Westry. When Anne and Westry witness a crime, things between them change again, and their world is changed as Westry is redeployed and Anne's stint is over.
It is Anne's granddaughter that urges her to take advantage of a recent letter and dig into the past to find the answers to those questions she has wondered about for decades.
A story of mystery, romance, and circumstances that will appeal to many readers.


  1. Just read Violets of March and liked it. This will be on my list when I get some time.

  2. I haven't read that one yet Diana. I'll add it to my list.
