Friday 26 June 2020

14th Annual Canadian Book Challenge

Welcome to the challenge for the year starting July 1, 2020 and going until June 30, 2021.
This should be an interesting year, and please share in the comments how you think this will affect your reading.
Are you having difficulty accessing books due to library service limitations and suspensions?
Have you been trying online formats of reading due to not being able to access physical books?
What types of books have been grabbing your attention? Dystopian? Escape through Romance or Thriller? Nonfiction? Books with more diverse viewpoints?
I'm also interested to see if participants in the challenge are interested in engaging in any discussion. If I chose a different Canadian book every month for discussion, would that be of interest? I would be changing up genre, choosing some fiction and some nonfiction, some new and some that were published many years ago.
Please leave your thoughts on this in the comments.

To sign up for the challenge for 2020-2021 which begins July 1, 2020 and runs to June 30, 2021, please fill in the Mr. Linky below.
Remember that you can find out more on the FAQ page for this challenge.


  1. Hi Shonna,

    What a year it has been, indeed!

    I have had a hard time getting my hands on books for sure the past few months. But I have a lot of Canadian titles at home. So, luckily, it wasn't too bad. However, I sure didn't read as much. I am down by 50 books from the previous year.

    But I am still eager to start a new year. So, please allow me a spot in. I look forward to reading more this year.

    Also, yes, I would love themed books every month. I kinda of missed that this year. I would read and review these books every month. I would like romance fiction both adult and YA as well as nonfiction.

    Take care, and thank you for starting the 14th year of the Canadian Book Review Challenge!

    Irene Roth

    1. I will include a book that people are welcome to discuss each month. If you don't have and can't get it, there is no pressure to participate.

  2. Thanks for continuing the Canadian Challenge.
    Faithfully reading though not consistent access to Internet for posting my books read and reviews. 35 read for this past year and several new 2 me authors.
    Hoping to get reviews added at some point, but I'm more keen to read than doing paperwork 😉
    Looking forward to when libraries open fully. Mine is now open for pickup of whichever holds they choose to have ready. Happily had 2 waiting this week, but definitely less than I'm used to! Grateful for active Little Free Libraries 😊

    Happy Celebrating Canadian reading to everyone participating!

    1. Ah yes, Internet access can be an issue.
      Glad you are back for another year.
      My local library hasn't opened for pickup yet. But I've got lots at home to keep me busy

  3. I'm not interested in a book club aspect. I do so much reading as is.

    1. No problem! I'll put one up and only those interested can participate.
      I'll do a separate post and you can just ignore that one.

  4. I've posted my entry. I am continuing with my personal goal of 52 or more books.

  5. HAPPY CANADA DAY, EVERYONE, from Manitoba in a heat wave! Discussing one book is too specific for me. It would mean obtaining that book in question, if I do not happen to own it and if it is something I would read. I have always felt that we participants should be chatting with each other right here, in comment boxes. Many of us endeavour to say "hello" and our kind hostess certainly replies. How about the rest of us watch for those efforts to say "hello" and engage them? :)

    The original idea to "win a prize for a monthly theme" was all right if we know up front in which month to use those themes on hand. I utilize what I already own at home. Thus COVID19 affects me not at all, nor do I consider it a stress. Nothing is easier than staying home to be safe. I like even better, Shonna, your flexible prize draws based on number of entries, of any Canadian-qualifying book. Knowing which months these will be is when I drop off my reviews. :)

    Your new photograph of your husband in an ice landscape is magnificent! You must the the photographer! I would love to know more details: the year and occasion of such a wondrous trip. Thank you for keeping your review window open past June 30, although I hastened to get my 31 books done (not 34 as estimated). Now I know that I need not rush my Canada Day week-end next year.

    I plan to create a fresh page for this year's group but must reference my Canadian review page, until lets me in again. It appears that the loading problem of this website will continue until we upgrade past dial-up internet, which is slim pickings in southeastern Manitoba. We have replaced 4 modems in 4 years blown-out in storms, even with a "UPS" (uninterrupted power supply). Ah, the money to upgrade around home, eh?! Yours sincerely, Carolyn.

    1. Thanks Carolyn! Glad to have you back this year.
      I'll do a separate post of a "book of the month" and only those interested need participate.
      I haven't got any monthly prizes at present, but I will be doing an annual one for the year. This year's will be drawn on the weekend. I've left the June reviews open until early on Saturday, and will see what the final numbers are then.
      The trip to Newfoundland was in 2007, and I had two conferences that I wanted to go to in St. John's so planned a trip just before. It was definitely a great time. We traveled with my parents and yes, I was the photographer.
      No rush on getting your page up. I've not done mine yet either.

    2. Please forgive and correct the review "autofill" Google forced into member #4. In #4, here is a brand new page to use! Wordpress is working for my dial-up configuration today. #5 may be removed.

      I am so glad you still have your Mom, as well as your Dad. You surely know I miss my Mom very much, sooner than we would wish. What a lovely trip: thank you for sharing an amazing memory of it with all of us, Shonna.

  6. Looking forward to this challenge. April

  7. I have been planning to read more books by Canadian authors and hoping that you would continue the challenge. Thank you very much. I will sign up after I write a post for joining, should be in the next week.

    1. That's great Tracy! It's definitely helped me read more Canadian. Hope it will for you too.

  8. I managed to read 17 Canadian books for the last challenge so I've decided to do try it again. Seeing as how I still have a TBR list that I didn't read any books off of last time! lol

    1. Oh, those TBR lists. Mine just keeps getting longer I fear. Maybe this year will be different. Glad to have you back again

  9. Moved last year so lost several months and wasn't able to complete the challenge. Hopefully this year will be different.

    1. Sorry to hear about your disruption John, but glad to have you join us again.

  10. Thanks for hosting again! Despite my poor showing in challenge #13 I am going to try again. Looking forward to posting on my blog more often in the coming year.

    1. Although there is the goal of thirteen books Mary, it's only what each reader feels comfortable with. Just participating is great. Glad you are joining again

  11. This year has been so wacky I lost track of time and forgot it was July -- my library has been closed and I haven't been working so it's hard to keep on a schedule. Looking forward to another year of great Canadian reading, thanks for leading Shonna!

  12. Definitely hard to keep on a schedule! My husband is working from home so that helps. Glad to have you back. I'm going to be trying to make a dent in my books at home this year.
