Wednesday 1 January 2020

Sugar Falls

Finished December 26
Sugar Falls: A Residential School Story by David Alexander Robertson and Scott B. Henderson

This graphic novel is based on a real woman, Betsy Ross, an elder from Cross Lake First Nation. Daniel, a high school student, is given an assignment to interview a residential school survivor and write about their experience. One of his friends, April, is indigenous, and he asks her if she knows anyone with that experience. The two go to visit April's grandmother, and she tells them her story, from her earliest childhood. The Sugar Falls of the title is a waterfall near where Betsy grew up that her father took her to and that she uses as an image and feeling to ground herself when things become difficult in the school.
There are many experiences of residential school and each individual has their own story. I appreciate them for sharing them and the author and illustrator for bringing this story to life.

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