Monday 3 February 2014

Kid Soldier

Finished February 3
Kid Soldier by Jennifer Maruno

This short novel follows 15-year-old Richard Fuller from Niagara Fall, Ontario. Richard is a hard worker, willing to work at whatever job comes his way, whether it be picking fruit, helping deliver bread, or figuring out how to fix a broken tractor. When a neighbour offers him the chance to participate in a military training exercise, he jumps at it and finds that he has an aptitude for signal work.
As World War II begins, Richard finds himself drawn to the war and manages to sign up even though he is underage. This book follows him to training camp, across the ocean to Britain, and through training in England as he prepares to do his duty.
From the detail of the signalling work, to the bombings of England by the Germans, this book immerses you in Richard's life as a soldier.
Richard is a very likeable young man, kind to those younger than him, happy with simple pleasures, interested in his newfound English family, and dedicated to his work. A look at the war from a interesting angle.


  1. My husband is a signal man in the armed forces. This sounds good.

  2. Thanks for putting this one on my radar!

  3. Sounds like an interesting read and a great choice for the challenge, thanks for sharing

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
