Thursday, 1 April 2010

Very Enlightening Listen

Finished March 31
The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives by Larry Dossey, read by Jim Bond
The book explores the scientific proof of premonitions and talks about how they are reacted to, by both those having them and those who hear of them. The book discusses all types of psi phenomena, with a focus on premonitions. The author experienced this phenomena among some of his patients and became intrigued by how it could best be acted on.
Relationships between major disasters and premonitions are looked at, as well as those of a more personal nature. Dossey relies about scientific studies of premonitions, or future knowing, to show that not only do premonitions exist, but they are not limited to a specific region or cultural background. Mention of some observations of this among animals is also made.
I was surprised at how many scientific studies have been made and how common the phenomena is. Because of the social stigma attached to this, many do not publicly acknowledge their own experiences. This exploration of the psi that exists in our world gave me a lot of information on this topic and its scientific history. I found it very interesting.

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